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The 5 Love Languages: Words of Affirmation

Emily Norris love-languages

‘Words of Affirmation’ is not just about kind words. Mark Twain may say, “I can survive for two months on a good compliment,” but your spouse may need more than just a couple of complements.

Encouraging Words: We each have areas in our lives where we lack courage. Through our spouse’s encouragement, we can reach our full potential. Through encouraging words, we can show our spouse we believe in their abilities. (Example: You are a great guitar player; you should find an open mic night in town. I think others would really enjoy your music.)

Kind Words: We have the choice to speak in anger or in kindness. We have the option of justice or forgiveness. When we choose kindness and forgiveness, we choose love. When your spouse has wronged you, show mercy. (Example: Your words really hurt me, but I will not let those words damage our marriage.)

Humble Words: When we demand something of our spouse, we are not involved in a partnership. When we make demands of our spouse, we forfeit intimacy. We can affirm our spouse’s worth and abilities by making requests. (Example: I really love that pasta you made last week, can you make it again?)

If your spouse’s Love Language is ‘Words of Affirmation’:

  • Remember: Words are important.
  • Set a goal to compliment your spouse each day for one month.
  • Write your spouse a love letter.
  • Compliment your spouse in front of parents and friends (double points).

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