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Marriage: A God Idea

Mandi Welbes marriage

Marriage: A God Idea

Who came up with the concept of marriage?

When did marriage begin?

How is marriage defined?

Stuart Briscoe, of Telling The Truth ministries, recently spoke on the origins or marriage. He pointed out in a recent episode of Telling The Truth that marriage is under attack in our culture. Some are saying that it is time that we redefine marriage. Stuart offers his insight about how marriage was created by God and is to be honored as He created it. The contemporary view is that marriage is a human idea and human institution that is subject to change as the culture changes. However, as Genesis 2 outlines, God ordained marriage between male and female from the beginning of time. The social laws about marriage and family were created by God and are for our good. 

Check out this great episode of the Telling The Truth Podcast.

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