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God's Knot Blog — marriage

Marriage Talks: Household Responsibilities

Emily Norris marriage

By now you have most likely been living on your own long enough to have a pretty good idea of what it means to run a household. Whether it be living in a dorm or an apartment. You know the amount of work it takes to keep your home clean, organized, and livable. You also have developed some preferences in how you like it done. So how does all of this knowledge and your personal preferences translate in a marriage?

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Marriage Talks: Extended Family

Emily Norris marriage

When a married couple starts out they are already dealing with a lot of change. This can be compounded by outside pressures. Namely, your extended family.

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How long have you been married?

Mandi Welbes marriage

It has been 8 years and 163 days since we said “I do”. Over the years, we’ve been blessed to be a small part of so many weddings. So how long have you been married?  Want a simple way to keep track? Check out our free app Tie The Knot for iPhone to count up the days since your wedding. Not married quite yet? Tie The Knot will count down the days until your wedding and pop up a daily count down as you get closer each day. Tie The Knot is available for download for free from the App Store.  

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Marriage Talks: Finances

Emily Norris marriage

Couples often forgo hard talks, and in my opinion there are few subjects as emotionally charged as money. When it comes to your finances waiting can be like a ticking time bomb. Take my advice and mesh out your money philosophy and current financial state before walking down the aisle. It will save you fights in the future and ensure that you both know where you stand from the very beginning.  This is an excellent time to look to the Bible for insight on how God wants us to manage money. A few verses that stand out to me are: ...

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Marriage: A God Idea

Mandi Welbes marriage

Marriage: A God Idea

Who came up with the concept of marriage? When did marriage begin? How is marriage defined? Stuart Briscoe, of Telling The Truth ministries, recently spoke on the origins or marriage. He pointed out in a recent episode of Telling The Truth that marriage is under attack in our culture. Some are saying that it is time that we redefine marriage. Stuart offers his insight about how marriage was created by God and is to be honored as He created it. The contemporary view is that marriage is a human idea and human institution that is subject to change as the culture changes. However, as...

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