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“Boundaries in Marriage” by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

Emily Norris books

This book offers some powerful guidelines for creating and sustaining a Christ-centered, thriving, productive marriage. “Marriage is a lot of work. Period.” If couples are willing to pour their hearts into this hard work, the marriage not only sustains but grows and deepens.

If marriage is not all about happiness, than what is it about? This book provides six values that work to produce great boundaries in marriage.


  • Love God first, with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength.
  • Loving your spouse: Seeking the best for the other person no matter whether they deserve it or not.
  • Honesty, accompanied by enough grace to hear and deal with the truth it brings.
  • A Faithful spouse is one who be trusted, depended upon, and believed in, and one in whom you can rest.
  • Compassion and Forgiveness - no failure is larger than grace.
  • Pursuing Holiness means that you and your spouse pursue becoming the kind of people who can produce true love and life.

This book also offers ideas for protecting your spouse/marriage and how to resolve conflicts. The authors always point the readers to the Truth of the Bible. The author states, “When loving God is our orienting principle in life, we are always adjusting to what He requires from us.” Along with Scripture, the authors also share many stories of real couples. These stories address couple’s questions and struggles about marriage.

This is a great book to read as a couple, and a great opportunity to answer questions about yourself and your spouse. It could be life-changing to go through when you are engaged, and also a beneficial read later in marriage, when you’ve both grown as individuals and as a couple and gotten to know each other better!

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